Thoughts & Teachings To Improve Your Yoga Practice

Angela Lakshmi Norwood
Founder & Teacher
Thoughts & Teachings To Improve Your Yoga Practice
The Importance & Method Of Accessing Internal Wisdom

How does wisdom penetrate the surface in a meaningful way, beyond the glint of spiritual platitudes?

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Angie Norwood
Thoughts & Teachings To Improve Your Yoga Practice
Thoughts On What It Means To Be Practicing Yoga

Practicing yoga may often be thought of in terms of the physical, but a true practice incorporates both physical and internal practice. Learn more.

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Angela Lakshmi Norwood
Founder & Teacher
Thoughts & Teachings To Improve Your Yoga Practice
Exploring Pratipaksha Bhavanam - Turning Thoughts Around

Learn more about the technique of pratipaksha bhavanam otherwise known as "turning thoughts around" and how this can be incorporated into our yoga practice.

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Angela Lakshmi Norwood
Founder & Teacher
Thoughts & Teachings To Improve Your Yoga Practice
Learn About Energetic Transmission From Teacher To Student

Energetic transmission, sometimes called shaktipat, is the energetic exchange between a teacher who is willing to share and a student who is able to receive.

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