Continuum, A Shadow Yoga Studio in Bend

Experience Continuum, A Shadow Yoga Studio in Bend, Oregon, where instruction is rooted in lineage teachings that have stood the test of time. With a selection of drop-in classes, courses, workshops and retreats, Continuum Yoga Studio offers a progressive, layered curriculum that is rarely found in the modern marketplace. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a brand new student, Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend will bring depth and texture to your yoga experience.

A Shadow Yoga Studio In Bend

Shadow Yoga is a progressive, self-cultivating practice grounded in traditional principles of yoga and martial arts. We honor a long lineage of teachers, and see the teacher-student relationship as central to meaningful learning.

Shadow Yoga empowers the individual to live harmoniously with the forces of nature, which are mirrored by forces within each of us. Students start with large, vigorous movements to remove obstructions at the physical level, and gradually work through the layers (shadows) to uncover energetic maps of the body. This cohesive, systematic approach creates durable learning which serves the individual in all endeavors.

Shadow Yoga I (Beginner) classes improve function in the body, create rhythm in the breathing and build stability in the mind. There is no expectation that you are familiar with (or can perform) complex postures in the classroom. All activities are taught, demonstrated and repeated to build confidence and understanding. Our mission at Continuum Yoga Studio in Bend is to provide a quality curriculum in the ancient art and craft of yoga, serving anyone with a sincere desire to learn.

The Continuum Yoga Studio Experience

Joining Continuum, A Shadow Yoga Studio in Bend, may feel different from other yoga studios. Shadow Yoga includes movements and postures not commonly taught in other yoga classes, which serve to awaken the inner power structure. It’s our job to teach components of the system and we take a patient, long-term approach to learning. Each class starts with a dharma talk, which introduces a principle that is woven through the practice, and ends with time for questions and reflection.

Our curriculum is developed with the following principles in mind:

A black and white image of a hand is shown in a pose that resembles a swan

Principles of Practice

Shadow Yoga is rooted in concepts that have stood the test of time. Techniques are introduced in a systematic, layered way, allowing the student to digest them gradually. Because learning is repeated, understanding deepens over time. This approach creates confidence and ownership of the principles within the individual.

A black and white image of a hand is shown in a pose that looks like a hand motioning someone to stop

Individual Attention

The teacher-student relationship is an essential component of the Shadow Yoga system. Alignment and sequencing can be taught, but the spark of inner wisdom is awakened by someone who has walked through the fire of their own teacher. We strive to uphold the integrity of that relationship and take a personalized approach to instruction, adapting material to individual needs.

A black and white image of a woman in a yoga pose, like downward dog

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Practice

At its core, yoga is a science designed to elevate consciousness, using physical, mental and energetic awareness to draw attention inward. With practice, yoga becomes a living, breathing relationship with oneself and the cosmos, going far beyond what can be obtained by repeating a familiar sequence of postures and breathing exercises. The wisdom and sensitivity that result from this kind of practice prepare one for seated activity (asana), meditative standing work (karanas) and the experience of internal resonance (mantra sadhana).

A black and white image of a woman doing yoga, bent over forwards twisting and reaching both of her ankles

Affordable Pricing

We strive to create a fair exchange of resources, and don’t want cost to be a barrier for anyone. Our Shadow Yoga Studio in Bend offers a variety of class passes, memberships and drop-in options, as well as payment plans and sliding scale classes. As a brick-and-mortar business we have significant fixed costs, and ask that you practice the yogic principle of satya (honesty) and pay what you can when given the option. This mutual exchange helps us maintain a dedicated learning environment while supporting others with limited resources.

What our students say


Kind words from members of the Continuum Community

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5 stars
Angie is a wonderful teacher, one that encourages internal strength and focus on both physical and subtle levels. The practice of Shadow yoga can benefit any practitioner of Yoga, especially one looking to take their personal practice to the next level. Her classes cultivate a deep understanding of the internal structure behind the Yoga we're doing — you will feel something special visiting the studio in Bend. The energy there is serene and uplifting, such a blessing. Highly recommend this to locals in the area!
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5 stars
I took my first Shadow Yoga class ten years ago and knew in my body that this practice was different than typical drop-in yoga classes. When I moved to Bend in 2018 I asked around and searched for a Shadow Yoga instructor, to no avail. When I heard about Angie and her school, I was thrilled to dive back into the practice! Angie has a depth of experience and compassion and it is transmitted through her teaching. I really appreciate her dedication to the teachings, and how she shows up with kindness and attention to safety. When I practice Shadow Yoga, there’s a much different quality to the poses, there’s more depth and an inner body focus that I feel is missed in the average yoga class. This is the place to be if you’re wanting to explore a yoga practice that will meet your edge in a profound and subtle (or not so subtle) way.
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5 stars
I've been practicing yoga of various kinds for about 30 years. Angie brings deep knowledge and lineage that you won't find anywhere else in Bend, or much of the west coast. If you want to go to the next level of yoga then come learn from the sages of old, through the skillful teaching of Angie. Integration of yoga philosophy, Ayurveda, martial arts, and asana are all there. So rich and fulfilling.
Continuum yoga STUDIO classes

Shadow Yoga I

Designed for beginners, Shadow Yoga I teaches important principles that pave the way for ongoing learning. Shadow Yoga I classes help you develop strength and mobility in the joints, gain freedom in the hips and build the inner fire. This fully instructed class requires no prior experience and can be joined at any time. A great class for someone who’s never tried Shadow Yoga or practiced any yoga at all.

Register for SHADOW YOGA I
Continuum yoga STUDIO classes

Community Sangha

Sangha traditionally referred to a gathering of like-minded people, and we have revived this tradition at Continuum Shadow Yoga Studio. Scheduled for one Friday per month, this free, open forum is intended for anyone interested in the philosophy of yoga and its application in everyday life. The discussion centers around a topic of interest such as non-harming, cultivating contentment, etc., and you can share as little or as much as you like. No dogma, no prerequisites, just come as you are.

continuum yoga STUDIO classes

Stretch Clinic

Individualized Asana (IA) is a unique feature of Shadow Yoga, and provides an opportunity to work closely with the teacher on a consistent, affordable basis. During an Individualized Asana session, students arrive at staggered times, complete their own warm-ups and receive personalized, therapeutic adjustment from the teacher for 10-15 minutes. This hybrid experience of personal practice and hands-on guidance closes with a supportive, restorative posture and individual warm-downs.

Register for stretch clinic
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A black and white photo of a group of yogis sits in a classroom on a wood floor in a circle and talks with the teacher.

Yoga Workshops & Retreats In Bend

We offer monthly yoga workshops in Bend that cover a range of topics, from how to make seasonal adjustments in your practice to solstice celebration events to film screenings to art displays. We also hold free community gatherings, occasional offsite events and annual retreats. We have been honored to host the founders of Shadow Yoga, Shandor Remete (Sundernath) and Emma Balnaves, and other guest teachers, musicians and performers. Please sign up for our newsletter to stay informed of upcoming events.

From our blog

Read More on the Continuum Blog

Learn more about Shadow Yoga and stay tuned with our latest news and events.

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New Class Offerings At Continuum Yoga In Bend January 2023

View our new yoga class offerings as of January 2023. Find out more about updates to our offerings this year and sign up for a class that interests you.

Learn More About The Balakrama Or Step To Strength

The Balakrama, or "Step to Strength," is the first series learned in the Shadow Yoga system. Find out more about the Balakrama and Shadow Yoga at Continuum.


Looking for an event space rental?

Our beautiful space at Continuum Shadow Yoga Studio in Bend is available on a weekly, monthly or as-needed basis at select times during the week. Learn more about renting the studio for your regular meeting space, special event or community gathering in Bend.